Living Fearlessly & radiating love & joy from the heart

I feel extremely grateful to have had many great teachers throughout my life, and I am also extremely grateful that this learning journey is one that never ends,..

I would like to take more time to reflect and share these learnings this year, so it feels important to start as I mean to go on as January comes to a close.

The year started with two wonderful collaborations with our dear friend Perveen, who hosted a creativity session for one of our workplace wellbeing sessions, and was then a brilliant guest speaker at our first Supper Club of the year. The sessions were all about rituals and creativity, which are both powerful tools for wellbeing. For Supper club, Perveen had prepared a beautiful mandala from natural materials as an offering to us all, she then led us through a meditation and invited us to create our own mandala’s and ‘zen-tangle’s. She was keen to encourage us to create rituals that are individual and meaningful to us, but explained how they can help us create a powerful space in our lives for self- enquiry.  She also explained how creativity is so important for self- expression, and how both rituals and creativity enable us to embrace the sacred lives we have all been blessed with. It was certainly a joyful and enriching experience and a supper club I will remember fondly for a long time.

Being able to express ourselves, and embrace who we truly are is certainly at the heart of Anita Moorjani’s work, which I had the pleasure to have been introduced to at the end of last year when I watched a beautiful film ‘The Heart Revolution’

If you haven’t come across her story before, Anita fought cancer for almost 4 years until her organs eventually started to fail and shut down. She fell into a coma, but miraculously experienced an extraordinary near- death experience (NDE), returned to consciousness and healed from cancer in weeks.

The lessons she learnt whilst in the other realm changed her perspective on life beyond recognition and she has now made it her life’s purpose to share her important lessons with others.

I have since devoured two of her inspiring books, ‘Dying to be me’ and ‘Sensitive is the new strong’, and I simply cannot recommend them highly enough.

The main lessons she wants to share with the world are to live your life fearlessly, to be yourself, and to love yourself unconditionally.  She feels passionately about helping people to embrace their very precious divine infinite selves and to express themselves and be who they really are.

She believes that we all have our own unique gifts and energy to bring to the world and encourages us to follow our own deep intuition and knowing. She feels passionately that we do not have to follow any strict doctrine’s but that we can all follow our own deeply personal spiritual path. She is also clear that the way we can do that is by connecting with our hearts.

She says ‘our feelings about ourselves are actually the most important barometer for determining the condition of our lives.. and ‘being true to ourselves is more important than just trying to stay positive…

‘when my inner dialogue is telling me that I’m safe, unconditionally loved, and accepted,  I radiate this out into the world accordingly.

‘living more in harmony with who we truly are isn’t just forcing ourselves to repeat positive thoughts. It really means being and doing things that make us happy, that arouse our passion and bring out the best in us, things that make us feel good- and it also means loving ourselves unconditionally.’

I have done a lot of inner work over the years but over the years I definitely struggled with many of the issues she describes before her NDE.  She describes how she wasted so much energy trying to prove her worth, and how her life was ‘driven by fear of displeasing others, of failing, of not being good enough.’ I’m sure many people can also resonate with those words.

We certainly start to experience more ease and energy in life when we start to let go of harsh judgements of ourselves, and instead accept and appreciate everything that makes us human. When we start to see life as it is- a gift,  we can start to let draining thoughts and feelings pass through and lean more into love and joy.

According to Anita, when we start to offer ourselves this unconditional love and acceptance, choose joy, and start to radiate these feelings out into the world, everything changes.

Here are some final words of inspiration from ‘Dying to be me’,

‘I can’t stress enough how important it is to enjoy yourself and not to take life too seriously.’

‘Our life is our prayer. Its our gift to this universe, and the memories we leave behind .. will be a legacy to our loved ones. We owe it to ourselves and everyone around us to be happy and to spread that joy around.’

One of the main missions of HeartMath is to radiate love and joy into the world. Through their extensive scientific research they have demonstrated the incredible magnetic field that is generated by our heart. We are all connected, and focusing on generating more renewing positive energy, and regenerative feelings boosts our energy and enables us to have a positive impact on the world. The energy we put out into the world has a huge impact on other people. The more we bring our heart, brain and emotions into coherence, the more we radiate this out into the world, and the more the world is in harmony and in sync with each other.

We can all bring to mind someone who radiates our positive energy; we are instantly drawn to them and want to be around them, and we all have the power to create and radiate that energy out into the world.

It is an absolute privilege to bring people together to practice creating heart coherence together at our ‘Lunch from the Heart’ lunch clubs. The energy we radiate as a group is very powerful. I would like to share Heart Math with more people this year and am excited to be bringing back my 4 week program again in March.

Lexi and I are also delighted to be creating a special celebration for our 1st anniversary of lunch club next month. We are offering an optional extended version ‘Lunch Club +🖤’  as well as our usual ‘Lunch from the heart’  Please click on the links for more details.

Sometimes we try so hard to learn and to grow, but so often it is so much simpler than we think. Heart Math practices are so simple, but they are so very powerful.

Thank you to everyone who joins us every month, and for all the incredible energy you bring. I can’t wait to connect with you all again very soon.

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