Resourcefulness, Resilience & a Sun Dried Tomato Pesto Recipe!

So, we’re quite a few weeks into lockdown now, and I imagine we’ve all learned how to be more resourceful in many ways. I am wondering if it will help people longer term to feel empowered and be more resourceful in terms of looking after their own health.

We are always inspired by people who overcome adversity, and I love hearing stories of people who have taken their health in their own hands and got better from ill health.

It has been so wonderful to hear people telling their stories on our weekly ‘Feel Better Together’ call, and we have now heard and continue to hear from several people who have done just that.

A couple of weeks ago we heard from Julia Mitchell and how she refused to let her diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis prevent her from living a fulfilling and contented life. She made several changes to her diet and kept moving so that her spine couldn’t fuse, to the point where she now is a Tai Chi instructor and supports others to look after their health. Please visit Hatton Tai Chi Qigong  for details of her current online classes.

This week we heard from Isabella Natrins and how she refused to go down the route of medication and found health through real food after a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. This journey led her to become a health and functional medicine nutrition coach and to write books, including her most recent book ‘Real Food Solution’. She is passionate now more than ever to help people build a resilient immune system in the face of this pandemic and shared how eating real food is so important in this.  Please click on the link above for more information.

I asked her what her starting point was when changing her diet, and simple tips for people wanting to make a change.

Her starting point was to un-process her diet and to eat natural whole foods. She recommended that people start small and begin with adding herbs and spices to their food. Herbs and spices, whilst providing incredible flavour, also provide huge nutritional benefits. They are packed with wonderful health promoting phytochemicals (plant chemicals).

I thought I would therefore share a simple pesto recipe that has become a firm favourite in our house. It is simple, delicious and nutritious and a great source of herbs and spices. It can be used with pasta, but we also eat it with humus, and sourdough, on homemade flatbread pizzas, and even on mushrooms on the BBQ during the recent sunny spell.

Sundried Tomato Pesto

50g Sundried tomatoes

3 cloves garlic, peeled

50g raw cashews

50g parsley (or mix of parsley & basil)

Juice of 1 lemon

100g olive oil

1/3 tsp salt

  • Put the sundried tomatoes into a bowl of boiling water and leave to soften for 5 minutes
  • Drain & place in food processor with remaining ingredients
  • Blend until smooth
  • Enjoy!

(Recipe from the World of the Happy Pear)

Next week we are delighted to be hearing from the lovely Nicola Jane as she shares her story of ‘living with chronic pain. I have always been so inspired by her determination to overcome adversity and am really looking forward to hearing her journey. She finds writing particularly therapeutic, and shares this on her page ‘Roots and Wings’. I am thrilled that she will be sharing her writing with us on Wednesday. Please do join us if you would like and share with others who may benefit. We would be delighted to welcome you into our supportive weekly community.

The Feel Better Together call is every Wednesday 12.30-1.30 pm. Please click on the link if you would like to join us this week!

Take good care,

Harriet x


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