So much more than food. A whole New Chapter

Lock down has undoubtedly been a very different experience for everyone, but for me it has provided an opportunity for reflection, and a chance to pursue a new path…

With my usual work put on hold, I took the opportunity to train to become a Health Coach, something I have been considering for some time, and am now thrilled to have embarked upon.

My original mission with Harriet’s Healthy Kitchen was to show people that simple dietary changes can have a big impact on health and wellbeing, which of course they can. However, I am also acutely aware that eating a healthy diet is only one element of a healthy lifestyle, and through all my various collaborations over the past few years, Harriet’s Healthy Kitchen has become about so much more than food.

I have learnt so much from all the brilliant speakers I have welcomed to the Supper Club, and from all the wonderful guests I have welcomed round the table over the past couple of years.

I have always been passionate about food, people, and health and wellbeing, so I have got so much pleasure from bringing all those elements together and connecting with like-minded people.

We have all been inspired by the knowledge shared around the table each month, but I felt that there was still one element missing, and that was the opportunity to support people to turn that healthy inspiration into action. Sometimes it takes more than a little ‘in the moment’ inspiration to make real change.

My mission at the beginning of the year was to try and help people do just that, but I must admit I was struggling with the ‘how’.

So that’s where Health Coaching comes into its own. Health coaches share powerful tools and techniques to help people to manage their own health and wellbeing. They support people to create simple and achievable healthy habits, that lead to long lasting change. They are there to provide support and accountability, but ultimately, they listen and understand people’s individual needs, and help them set realistic goals that are meaningful to them.

I was very fortunate over Lockdown to be invited to participate in a wonderful 4- week group health coaching programme and witness first-hand the remarkable power of health coaching. Suzy Glaskie from Peppermint Wellness gave me what can only be described as a master class in health coaching. She has many years of experience to share, and a wonderfully warm and authentic manner. It was wonderful to see people relax as they gave themselves permission to focus on their own health and wellbeing for 90 minutes a week. She helped us to manage our expectations, be kinder to ourselves and celebrate the small wins along the way!  Many people have an idea of what they need to do but often fall short of achieving it. Health coaching helps you to see new possibilities. I am very grateful to have met Suzy and will no doubt continue to learn so much from her on my journey. If I am even half as good as her as a health coach I will be delighted! Please do take the time to listen to Suzy yourself by tuning into her brilliant podcasts, Wellness Unwrapped. They are so informative, inspiring, and heart-warming. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to use lockdown to embark on a whole new chapter and can’t wait to get started.

I have just started to coach my first practice clients and will be looking for more soon! Please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more and watch out for a new chapter of ‘Harriet’s Healthy Living’ coming soon!!!




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2 Responses

  1. I’m so excited – you have your ‘why’ and now your ‘how’ too! So many people (including myself) I know will benefit from your expertise, delivered in your uniquely warm and empathetic way.

    1. Oh Sam, I have only just seen this. Thanks so much for this beautiful message. You are a wonderful friend. Thank you x

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