Making lifestyle change for good with Coaching and Connection

Would you like to make lifestyle changes, but are struggling to know where to start?

So many people feel like they know what they ‘should’ be doing when it comes to their health, but struggle to put these healthy changes into practice!

That is because change is HARD! Our busy modern lifestyles often leave little time for reflection. So very often we just continue with the same old habits, even if they are not serving us, because quite simply it feels like the easiest option!

As a health coach I would love to help you.

So, what exactly is Health Coaching?

Health Coaching is all about supporting people with behaviour change.

Many of the women I support are in their Menopausal years. During this time, it is even more critical that women focus on their health to enable their bodies to adapt to all the hormonal changes, and to protect their future health.

However due to family and work commitments they are very often struggling to make time for themselves. Consequently, they very often feel overwhelmed, and exhausted, and low in mood.

As a coach I support them to create tiny lifestyle habits, and it is an absolute privilege to witness just how these tiny habits help them to regain their health and happiness again.

However, another essential part of what I do is also bring women together because connection is such a huge part of the health equation.

Bringing people together

I run regular Menopause group coaching programs, which I have written about often in previous blogs. Please click here to read more about How to embrace the change.

However, it quickly became clear that it takes longer than a few weeks to create a sustainable habit so I decided to create a space for women for ongoing group support and accountability, and ‘Nurture Club’ was born.

It has been an absolute privilege to watch Nurture Club grow online this past few years.

At the same time, I have also watched our precious monthly Supper Club grow from strength to strength, so it has prompted me to reflect more on the power of social connection.

So often people say, ‘I really didn’t feel like coming but I did because I knew it would make me feel better.’ when they arrive at Supper club and Nurture Club. Often they are depleted after a stressful day at work, but leave uplifted and energised, and that is quite simply the magical power of social connection.

The authors of the longest study on happiness (now in its 85th year) were speaking on my favourite podcast this week, and just how vital high quality relationships are for our health!

They explained how we are all frequently experiencing stress, and that our bodies can quickly go into low level ‘fight or flight’ mode, which is so damaging for our health. If our body does not return to equilibrium, this will lead to elevated levels of circulating stress hormones, and increased levels of chronic inflammation, which can break down multiple systems in the body.

They explained how having frequent contact with good quality relationships is the perfect antidote to stress.

‘Good relationships help us to regulate our emotions, particularly negative ones… having someone to talk to that we trust literally calms down our nervous system.’

We all know intuitively that connecting with others makes us feel better. However, it is wonderful to be able to share just how much it is impacting our health. The authors clearly state:

‘High quality relationships are one of the biggest predictors of happiness, health and longevity.’

Please do come and join us at a Supper Club or Nurture Club soon. Click here to book on to our latest Supper Club.

If you are interested in joining us at Nurture Club, please just get in touch or feel free to book a gifted 1:1 coaching session to find out more. Please click on this link to book. In the meantime please take good care of yourself.

In the meantime, thank you for reading, and please take good care of yourself,

Harriet x


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