Together we can do great things

Are you at the start of your Menopausal Journey and want to know how you can best support yourself during this transition?

Or have you have been struggling with challenging symptoms for a while and are starting to feel a little alone with your struggles?

Would you like to know where to turn for support?

Everyone’s story will be different, but what women really need is to feel empowered and supported during this time. With the right information, and enough support everything is so much easier.

I am therefore delighted to share information about the women in our local community who are bringing women together to offer that all important information and support!

How can I support myself with my Lifestyle choices?

There is so much we can do to support ourselves with our lifestyle choices, and in my 6-week programs I share information and support you to create tiny self-prescribed habits around food, movement, relaxation, and sleep. I provide a safe space for you to express how you are feeling and to connect with other women going through similar experiences.

If you want to find out more about my latest program, please click on this link to read my previous blog.

I will be running new groups both in person and on-line in the New Year.

However, in the meantime I will also be running workshops and am really looking forward to the next one on Tuesday 15th November with Meeta Darji. We will be sharing information and tools to help you to manage your stress better, and nutritious and delicious tasters and recipes that can help you to support your hormones. Please do click on this link for more information about how to join us.

I am really looking forward to collaborating with Meeta as she specializes in supporting women to manage their stress with EFT tapping techniques. She is keen to support women during the Menopause because stress can really exacerbate symptoms and disrupt hormones. Please click on the link to find out more about how Meeta can help you

There are many other women helping to support women in the Menopause with lifestyle practices, including Lisa Valentine and Sian Gulliver.

Lisa Valentine runs regular Menopause yoga workshops from her studio in Fenny Compton, as does Sian Gulliver in Leamington Spa, and I thoroughly recommend them both. Again, it is crucial that women take time to nurture their nervous systems during this time. Practices such as restorative yoga can be extremely powerful for helping women to manage stress and improve sleep.

Aside from lifestyle practices, complementary therapies can also be really helpful.  There will be many therapists offering a variety of treatments including acupuncture, aromatherapy, and reflexology, and I thoroughly recommend Anna Rivers from Leamington Reflexology.  Anna specialises in supporting women in the Menopause, and her wonderfully relaxing holistic treatments can help to rebalance the whole body and support women to reduce stress, improve their sleep, mood and general wellbeing.

How can I find out more about HRT and other traditional treatment for the Menopause?

We are fortunate to be in Warwickshire and have access to the brilliant Newson Clinic and Dr Louise Newson who is the leading specialist in Menopause. However, this will not be accessible financially for everyone, so Dr Newson is working hard to educate GPS nationally to be able to provide expert Menopause support. Please always ask to speak to a GP who specialises in the Menopause if you do want to make an appointment with your local GP. Dr Newson also provides huge amounts of information on her website and has created a brilliant Balance app for women to track their symptoms and enable them to have a more informed discussion with their GP.

However, as we know GPs have limited time to spend with their patients, so we are very fortunate in Leamington and Warwick to have access to a brilliant new local charity.   Action Menopause is a local charity founded by Advanced Nurse Practitioner Sue Thomas to support local women to access the services and products they require to live their lives well through the menopause. They run bi-monthly meet ups in Warwick and have nurses on hand to answer clinical questions. They also invite other experts to share their knowledge and this month there will also be a talk on good gut health relevant to the menopause. If you would like further information about this next event on Thursday 24th November, please contact them via their website

For more specific support with women’s health, I cannot recommend Deborah Thomas highly enough. She is a Chartered Physiotherapist with numerous strings to her bow, who is passionate about supporting women in the Menopause. She has created her own Menopause MOT and is helping many women to manage their symptoms. She also runs regular events, and I recently attended her fantastic ‘Menopause Information Evening’ in Kenilworth. Please do click on the link to visit her website and find out more.

I hope that is helpful. Please do share this blog with anyone else who you feel may benefit.

The menopause can sometimes make people women feel alone. However, as you can see there are many of us who are passionate about trying to do all we can to change this, and to connect and empower as many women as possible on this challenging phase of their journey. When we come together to do this, so much more is possible.

If you have any questions at all, please do get in touch or please feel free to book in for a gifted 1:1 coaching session to find out more about how I might be able to support you.

In the meantime, please take care of yourselves, and I hope to see you soon,

Harriet x




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