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Healthy Supper club? What’s it all about?!

Well, Liz (Pumpkin & Sprout) & I have been hosting cooking socials at Oken’s Kitchen for a while now and it’s been fun. No doubt about it. I love getting groups together, and a group of like-minded people cooking & laughing together; what’s not to like?

However, I am also passionate about health & wellbeing & helping people to feel empowered over their own health, so I was keen to add an extra element to the evening so that people go home inspired and informed. I’ve been singing the praises of Dr Chatterjee’s ‘Feel Better, Live More’ podcasts for a while now, and I really enjoy learning week after week from a variety of experts in health & wellbeing.

So, it got me thinking… why not create something similar by inviting local experts to our healthy supper club to share their stories, wisdom and healthy lifestyle tips. I am hoping that bringing people together around the supper table will be a relaxing and pleasurable experience and provide a human connection that is also so beneficial to good health. It will be great to learn from experts from a wide variety of backgrounds, who will hopefully give you any inspiration you might need to make healthy lifestyle changes yourselves.

We now have several speakers lined up to inspire you over the coming months. Next month we are delighted to announce that our loyal supper club member and Aroma therapist Heather Holmes will helping us to relax and sleep well, leading up to the busy festive period. Then, in January we are looking forward to welcoming Lauren Gregory who is a multiple award winner and founder of the hugely successful local running club, Run Like a Girl. I can’t wait to hear from these two brilliant and inspiring women.

The evenings will be very relaxed and informal, with plenty of opportunity to chat, laugh and share ideas. We will be serving up healthy food and recipes and there will always be a practical element to the evening, which will predominately involve making your own healthy snack or treat to take away. However, this will also vary; next month you will get an opportunity to make your own aromatherapy blend. How brilliant is that!

This month’s supper club booked up quickly so please do keep an eye out for upcoming events, and book on as soon as possible to avoid disappointment as places are limited!  If you’d like to join us in December, please click on the link below:

Harriet’s Healthy Supper Club

I really hope you can join us soon!









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